About PHARM SOURCE INC : We Provide World Class Braces & Supports
Pharm Source Inc. is in Network with many Health Insurance Companies including Humana, United Health Care, BCBS, CIGNA, and all major Insurance companies in USA.
The lower back supports the spine and your entire chest zone. The low back is slanted to injury considering the way that basically every turn of events and development uses the muscles, ligaments and bones in the lower back.
we will be happy to help you get your brace or support covered by your Insurance.
Occupations that incorporate kept lifting or sports that twist your back customarily, for instance, hitting the fairway, can put your lower lumbar territory or low back in peril for injury. Various women moreover protest about lower back anguish during pregnancy or postnatal depression. Wearing a back help or belt to enable your lower to back can help you with preventing strain or added strain to your spine. A low back or TLSO backing can similarly help keep your back in the right position and offer strain to help torn back ligaments. Shop different sorts of back sponsorships for the two individuals.
Conditions where a back support might be helpful:
Sprain/strain – intense Post-employable help : discectomy, combination, laminectomy Facet Syndrome Instability: chronic or traumatic Protruding or herniated plate Spinal Stenosis Fracture management Deconditioned or postural back torment
Degenerative Plate Sickness