In the US CPA Exam game, we have all heard the name “adaptive learning technology” exactly what does that even mean?
It’s now become a buzzword in the accounting industry thrown out by many CPA Exam study materials, but can it even help you pass the US CPA exam?
The short answer is YES, it can.
CPA exam study materials that utilize adaptive learning software typically avoid the standard linear learning style of beginning at chapter one and learning through to the last chapter.
This learning technology is specially designed to build a study program that fits around candidate’s busy schedules and prepares them for the actual US CPA exam.
Surgent Adaptive Study Materials
But now, as you already know what adaptive learning technology is – it’s necessary to know that, not all adaptive exams are created equal.
As in the example, take out Surgent adaptive study materials i.e. A.S.A.P technology that revolves around expediting CPA aspirant exam readiness with only the most efficient and effective study sessions.
Surgent CPA exam study materials and adaptive learning technology are designed to be stress-free, time-saving, cost-saving, and transparent by focusing on the content areas (Weak study areas or topics) that you still need to improve and not those that you are already expert in.
The above discussion means that you can utilize exam study material that has a MyMCQ™ which will help you get on the fast route to the US CPA Exam success.
The adaptive learning technology will adjust the difficulty of multiple-choice questions (MCQ) as you learn, analyze, trimming your study time to your weak topic areas.
Throughout this, and one-of-a-kind ReadySCORE™ feature of Surgent CPA Review materials, CPA aspirants can be ready to pass all four sections of the CPA exam in as little as 46 hours – that’s 80% faster than other CPA Exam study materials.