Buyers hardly pay attention to know about the diamond cuts. What often draws their attention are the design and unique styles. For diamond jewelry enthusiasts, it is important to know about the diamond cuts and GIA certified diamonds. If you get information about the cuts, it will be a better way to buy something special and unique.
Before reaching a store, online studying about the diamond cut will help you choose the right one, especially round brilliant cut diamond. As far as round brilliant cut diamond is concerned, it is the best selling cut in the market – used in more than half of the engagement rings that are sold worldwide. The round is a classic cut, but it is also the most sparkling cut available. Its fierce brilliance and facet configuration catch the most light and returns most of it.
The best feature that draws buyers for round brilliant cut diamonds is intense sparkle – comparable to no other cuts. It is also counted as a great cut for slightly included and even included stones. Not to mention the fierce sparkle of the stone – eclipse most flaws and blemishes that show themselves straight in other cuts.
It is the most expensive cut of all and it is expected to pay approx 30 to 40% more in comparison to other cuts. Diamonds of round brilliant cut look visibly smaller in comparison to other cuts. For such amazing cut and GIA certified diamonds, you have to search for certified jewelers or jewelry stores and place your order.