Make Your Data More Secure With Lenovo Laptops

These days, data privacy is one of the priorities of the customer. And that’s the reason, the Lenovo brand makes securing the privacy and security of consumer data a priority.

Whether you are buying some clothes, surfing the internet or some websites for fun, paying your daily needs bills, searching for some genuine information, updating posts on social media, or scrolling the website and companies you are visiting, consumer data privacy should be in safe hands and must not be sold.

With reference to the concern of data privacy and security, the Lenovo brand has made some significant updates to its privacy arrangements, starting with data privacy policies and the laptops (Lenovo Thinkpad) in place to help consumers ensure the privacy of their data.

Lenovo Privacy Program

Lenovo Privacy Program strives to help ensure that Lenovo’s global operations, comply with regulations in the industry in which Lenovo brands operates.

Lenovo brand is always committed to being genuine about data practices and how it works and safeguards consumer’s data.

Besides, Lenovo is also committed to offering individuals the ability to obtain, access, correct, and request deletion of their data that the Lenovo database holds.

Consequently, Lenovo Privacy has also launched a new data subject request policy, which interprets the request process for consumers and enhances the time it takes Lenovo to verify and respond to those requests.

The Lenovo Thinkpad – designed especially for businesses

For those individuals who’ve struggled with data privacy, garbled voices, and distracting backdrop noise on group calls, the Lenovo ThinkPad’s dual far-field microphones for garbled voices, Privacy program for data security, and improved 360-degree reception to improve VoIP conferencing performance, especially when you’re in loud surroundings.

And yes, data privacy and security is one of the tops of mind for everyone, the Lenovo brand is thus giving greater peace of mind with just a slide of the Thinkshutter in the laptop, the all-in-one integrated camera security cover that physically shields ThinkPad users from the view of malicious webcam snoopers.

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