UK Government To Ban Sale Of Petrol And Diesel Cars 2030-Ten Years Early

These days, it seems a growing number of motorists all over the UK are already re-evaluating the type of car they drive and considering taking the greener option. Reportedly, a rising ratio of the public are thinking of swapping their petrol or diesel vehicle for an electric car, and it is a trend which seems to be extending to every corner of the UK.

The tide appears to be changing towards environmentally friendly motoring. So much so in fact, that the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has noticed the shift, and the increasing popularity of green, electric cars. Leading to a momentous, possibly game-changing announcement, that the UK government is moving forward with its plan on prohibiting the sale of petrol and diesel-engine cars and vans by a decade.

The plan was originally for the UK to prohibit their sale by 2040, but, writing in the Financial Times, Mr Johnson said, the British government will now implement the ban in ten year times, in 2030. However, it has been revealed motorists will still be able to buy some hybrid vehicles for five years after.

The ban on the sale of petrol or diesel cars is considered an important aspect of the UK government’s 10 point plan to make the United Kingdom entirely carbon-neutral in thirty years, by 2050.

The Prime Minister has stated his administration will make an investment of greater than £2.8 billion in the production of electric cars, as well as using giga factories to produce long-lasting batteries and installing charging points across England. All part of an ongoing plan to stop the sale of brand new petrol and diesel cars in the space of ten years.

The UK governments’ decision to bring its plan forward is seen by many to reflect the increased popularity of electric cars, where over 75,000 have been sold in the UK this year already, marking a rise of almost 200% in the past 12 months. They are becoming a more regular sight, which may have led to the Johnson’s administration make its announcement, which could see petrol and diesel cars off the roads by as soon as 2030.



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