Effective Tips For Commerce Students

Are you a college student who is studying for a bachelor’s degree, or might be a master’s degree, with goals to go into the public accounting sector? Are you planning to start on the journey to becoming a licensed US CPA (Certified Public Accountant)? If yes, that’s great! So, are you already on your way to getting the education requirements of an Accounting and finance degree?

US CPA aspirants can be ready to pass an exam section in the first go by studying fewer hours with the right US CPA review course and study material. But it can be a daunting task to find the best study partner that provides affordable CPA Course Fees in India. And that’s why we are here to guide and share study tips for college seniors.

Study for the US CPA Exam while you’re still in College

Being a college student, you’ll be more likely to outshine in your classes and will be better prepared for the exam! More likely, your BCOM, MCOM, and MBA degree programs even include US CPA exam study materials as part. Using your accounting and finance experience will also help you pass the uniform US CPA examination and take you on a faster route to licensure.

Wondering, how? Well, if you’re taking an audit class in your college, you’re fit to be prepared for the AUD exam section of the US CPA Exam and will then begin the 18-month window to complete other sections that are BEC, REG, and FAR. If you belong to the business law, then make sure to consider sitting for REG first.

There is no doubt that college students are busy with their classes – but with study sessions that fit around your schedule as well as access to unlimited practice exams, and affordable CPA Course Fees in India. Yes! You are getting it right, we are talking about the Surgent CPA Review Course that can help you pass all four sections of the US CPA exam in one go and get you on the fast route to your US CPA license.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get connected.

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