The Impact Of COVID 19 On Healthcare Industry

COVID 19 – an infectious disease caused by the novel coronavirus – made its first appearance in January in Wuhan, China. Thereafter, it spread worldwide in a matter of just a few months, wreaking havoc in all global sectors.

Apart from pushing the global economy into a recession following an extended period of lockdowns it has also made the global healthcare industry fall head over heels.

With no reliable or effective medicine for the pandemic to date, the onus is on treating its symptoms to improve the condition of a patient. Coupled with it, the unusual tendency of the novel coronavirus to multiply in number and affect different parts of the body has made the matters worse for the healthcare industry. But technology has helped the healthcare industry to some extent to fight the deadly virus to some extent.

How Technology Has Helped Combat Covid-19

Following the onset of the pandemic, the governments of all countries started looking for ways to minimize their damage within their capacity. Technology has, to a large extent, come to people’s rescue in this regard.

Technology has helped governments in two major ways. Along with the identification of symptoms, it has had a vital role in testing patients so far. Apart from the identification of active cases, both processes have also helped in providing timely treatment to patients.

App development companies have been instrumental in rolling out a wide range of applications to raise awareness among people. These apps have been effective in educating people about the symptoms and causes COVID-19 and the ways to deal with it. Here’s a detailed overview of some of these applications and technological innovations.

Importance of Arogya Setu app for tackling the COVID 19 pandemic

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