Online Sentence Case Converter | upper to Lower case converter.

In the Sentence Case Converter website, you can easily convert text to sentence case, upper case, lower case, Capital Case, title case, alternating case & inverse case. This case converter tool is very helpful to adjust your content (text) or your document. If you don’t know how to convert the sentence or capitalization of text in MS Word, Notepad or other text processing software, then this online tool is designed for you.

If you have typed a document and unexpectedly left your caps lock key on–don’t panic! Or if you want to make sure that a document has all the right Capital Case, you can now convert it in seconds. Or if you are a marketer and want to capitalize the first letter of each word, then one click will solve your problem.

All Case Converter Features

UPPER CASE Converter

The “UPPER CASE“ green button converts all the inputted text into capital letters, as shown in the text on the text field. Just copy or type your text in the text area and click on UPPER CASE button in the top of the page, then it will automatically convert into upper case. After text convert into UPPER CASE text, you can copy the content manually or click on below first button to copy the text. If you want to download these content in a .txt format then click on the second button and it automatically downloads the content in a .txt format.

lower case Converter

The “lower case“ green button converts all the inputted text into small letters.

Capital Case Converter

The “Capital Case“ green button converts all the inputted text First Letter Capitalised.

Sentence Case Converter

When you write a paragraph, then in by mistake you forget to type every sentence first letter in uppercase. So in this time, you will use our tool online sentence case converter.

The “Sentence case“ green button converts all the inputted text capitalizes the first letter of each sentence. Sentence Case Converter is very easy to to convert all text quickly and easily. So use it right now.

Title Case Converter

The “Title Case“ green button converts all the inputted text first letter of every word that is not a preposition, conjunction, or article, and has fewer than four letters, is capitalized in the content text field.

aLtErNaTiNg cAsE and InVeRsE CaSe Converter

The “aLtErNaTiNg cAsE“ and “InVeRsE CaSe“ yellow button converts all the inputted text switches between upper case and lower case in the content text field.

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