In this article, we will discuss How to get an array under array value in WordPress? If you have an array and in the array under the array, then How to get the value of the array in your WordPress code.
So below code will help you to get the value. Open the wp theme file like header.php or functions.php, then use the below code. Here you have an idea about how to get value or array under array value.
$header_nav = array( 'shop-link' => array( 'label' => __('My Shop', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor'), 'url' => apply_filters('wcmp_vendor_shop_permalink', esc_url($vendor->permalink)), 'class' => '', 'capability' => true, 'position' => 10, 'link_target' => '_blank', 'nav_icon' => 'wcmp-font ico-my-shop-icon' ) );
Now display the value on print_r.