This product contains no HGH but only ingredients to boost your body’s production of HGH. I should have checked the ingredients more closely. I love this product. It helps me a lot to increase my body immunity and stamina. I have used HGH before, but not this brand. It seems it has the same taste and effects still makes me a little sleepy this is what you need for it to work better. This HGH product is excellent, you know how old age is getting you, and you know something’s wrong, but the doctor can’t help you. This stuff fixes that. My muscles are back to normal; my memory has doubled. I’ll take this the rest of my life. This product is one of those items where you have to give it time, but you also feel a difference almost immediately. I believe that is because the spray does absorb into the body a lot quicker than supplements. I feel better when using this product. I will say, I am surprised that the box has changed, which made me wonder if it’s still the same product. It is a beneficial supplement. You can buy human growth hormone online through